

one 's words are obeyed , and one 's plans are followed out sb . 's advice and adopt his plan


言行───words and deeds;计从───Jicong


Later, as the famous Opera actor Li Shaochun, horse - liang , have received Bai Yuzhen's words and deeds.───象后来京剧界的著名演员李少春 、 马又良, 都曾受过白玉珍的言传身教.

At worst, those words and deeds will seem amusing or pitiable.───在最糟的情况下, 那些言行只会显得似乎很有趣或很可悲.

Jerusalem staggers, Judah; their words and deeds are against the LORD, defying his glorious presence.───耶路撒冷败落 、 犹大倾倒. 因为 他们的舌头、和行为、与耶和华反对 、 惹了他荣光的眼目.

Ordinarily, this gap between words and deeds is a shame but not a disaster.───通常来说, 言行不一是一种耻辱,但并非灾难.

His words and deeds are full of contradictions and he is untrustworthy.───他的言行矛盾百出,让人难以相信.

Through your words and deeds, I learned cattle live.───通过你的一言一行,我学会了牛活。

I understand Turner, I a bet under Turner's help, Ataisite will restrain his words and deeds.───我了解特纳, 我打赌在特纳的帮助下, 阿泰斯特会约束自己的言行的.

When the heads of memory and the actual words and deeds match is struck dead!───当脑袋里的记忆与实际的言行不符,就是一刀毙命!


Any words and deeds that underestimate netizen intelligence quotient can suffer only disgustful and mock.

She has earned acclaim for both words and deeds.

Words and deeds are quite indifferent 23modes of the divine 24energy. Words are also action, and actions are a kind of words. 

I'm the appreciator of all good words and deeds.

At worst, those words and deeds will seem amusing or pitiable.