

The Western calendar


西历───The Western calendar


exact date of the Spring Festival on the Western calendar changes from year to year.───公历春节的确切日期每年都在变化。

Mr. Arnold : In which month is it in the Western calendar?───阿诺德先生:按阳历是几月份?

Now contrast with the Western calendar, they will know "the Sun" will be "a century of a Day" ended.───与现在西历相比较的话,便可知「太阳纪」将于“某纪的某日”竣事。

Now contrast with the Western calendar, they will know "the Sun" will be "a century of a Day" ended.───与如今西历相对照的话,便可知「太阳纪」将于“某纪的某日”完毕。

Like all Chinese festivals, the date of the New Year is determined by the lunar calendar rather than the Western calendar.───像中国其他节日一样,新年的日期是是由农历而不是公历决定的。

Tomorrow is the first day of winter by the western calendar. Christmas, New Year's Day, and Spring Festival are on their way!───明天是西方日历中冬天的第一天,圣诞节,新年,和春节就要来到了!


He believed in strong government, and in a bid to make Turkey more "modern" he adopted the Western calendar, the Latin alphabet and even outlawed the wearing of Fez hats.
